Change For Struggling Marriages – This is a helpful article written by a couple who were both Christians when they were married, but who had significant relationship struggles in the first few years.
The Boy Who Didn’t Come Back From Heaven – This is big news: One of the bestselling heaven tourism books has been taken out of print because the child now says it was all a bunch of nonsense. Phil Johnson explains in more depth.
What Did You See in Heaven? – Speaking of which, Adam4d pokes some fun at the heaven tourism books.
9 Things You Need to Know About Widows – “Here are nine things you need to know about the ever-increasing member of society, the widow…”
Our Father Is not Like Our father – “We all have the tendency to project a concept of fatherhood upon God instead of to receive the image that he projects.”
A 67th Book? – In 1 Corinthians 5:9, Paul alludes to an earlier letter to fellow believers in Corinth. If we found that letter, would it become part of Scripture? Should it?