Money: An Instrument of Blessing – This article from 9Marks lays out the big difference between the prosperity gospel and a biblical way of understanding money: One says that money is an instrument of blessing while the other says it is an indicator of blessing. There’s a world of difference between.
Evolution is a Matter of Belief – Al Mohler: “Every mode of thinking requires belief in basic presuppositions. Science, in this respect, is no different than theology. Those basic presuppositions are themselves unprovable, but they set the trajectory for every thought that follows. The dominant mode of scientific investigation within the academy is now based in purely naturalistic presuppositions. And to no surprise, the theories and structures of naturalistic science affirm naturalistic assumptions.”
Stainless – There’s no good reason for it, but somehow this little movie is fascinating. Let it be a parable of how much of life we miss when we rush through it.
From French Atheist to Christian Theologian – Here’s a great conversion story (HT).
Old vs New – This video from Chevrolet shows just how far car safety has come in the past few decades.
Fear of Academic Books – Jared Oliphint wants to help you get over your fear of academic books.
An All-Consuming Passion for Jesus is a new, free ebook from John Piper, available in several formats.