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A La Carte (January 15)

It has once again been a bit of a slow time with Kindle deals, perhaps because we were spoiled so badly in December. We will hope for some more exciting deals next week. In the meantime, here are some links worth checking out.

Ten Theses on Immigration

This column from Ross Douthat has been gaining a lot of praise over the past couple of days.

J. I. Packer, 89, On Losing Sight But Seeing Christ

“Packer, 89, will no longer be able to write as he has before or travel or do any regular preaching. While for now he still retains peripheral vision, it’s doubtful he will ever regain the ability to read.”

30-Day Bible Challenge

If you are a Logos user and, like me, feel like you’re barely scraping the surface of the program, you may want to try this challenge.

Anglican Communion ‘Suspends’ Episcopal Church

Joe Carter has put together one of his FAQs on recent happenings within the Anglican church.

You Need A Safe Place To Make Mistakes

This is true of worship leaders, the audience it is written for. But it’s equally true of all kinds of ministry.

This Day in 1702. 314 years ago today, hymnwriter Isaac Watts was called as pastor to Newington. *

The Silver Chair

It’s going to take a reboot to get The Silver Chair to the big screen. But it is coming, it seems.

35 Christian Films

Speaking of films, this site rounds up 35 Christian movies coming our way in 2016. I watched quite a few of the trailers and can’t say I’d want to watch any of the movies!

7 Pro-Life Resources

This may be worth a bookmark. Each of the resources is worth exploring as well.


Christ refuses none for weakness, but accepts none for greatness.

—Richard Sibbes

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