How I Almost Lost the Bible – I enjoyed reading this from Gregory Alan Thornbury: “Had it not been for the first editor of CT, I likely would have gone the way of liberal scholar Bart Ehrman.”
Why Christians Don’t Seek to Avenge Insults against God – “We forget how entirely unexpected and shocking the humility and servanthood of Jesus is—how foreign it is to human expectations of God, and in this case, to Muslim expectations.”
How the Universe Made the Stuff That Made Us – I read an article like this one and think, Isn’t it just far simpler and more obvious that God made it all? How could the universe make itself? See Romans 1:18ff.
Lecrae, John Piper, & John Ensor – Here’s an interesting conversation with Lecrae, John Piper, and John Ensor on the story behind Good, Bad, Ugly, the remorse of abortion, and the healing of the gospel of Christ.
Cripping Up – Very interesting: “Eddie Redmayne, who won a Golden Globe for playing Stephen Hawking, is the latest in a long line of non-disabled actors to portray disabled characters.”
9 Things You Should Know about Boko Haram – “While the world’s attention has been focused on terrorist attacks by radical Islamist groups in Europe, Iraq, and Syria, another series of attacks in Africa has largely gone unnoticed. Here are nine things you should know about Boko Haram…”