The Biggest Contradiction – David Murray looks at the contradiction between Paul’s justification by faith alone and James’ justification by works. “Can these opposing statements be reconciled? I believe they can, and the key is to understand that although Paul and James both speak of justification, they are speaking about two different kinds of justification.”
Egalitarianism and Authority of Scripture – Denny Burk looks at the all-too-common claim from some egalitarians: “The idea that a Man is the Head of the Home has its roots in secular ancient culture, not in the Word of God or the created order of humanity.” The closing quote from Ligon Duncan is very, very important.
Porn and Future Marriage – Yes, I know a link to a lot of articles about the cost of pornography. But I don’t think people can hear this too much!
The Mother I Meant to Be – I expect that a lot of mothers will identify with at least some of what Staci writes here: “I’ve had two goals over the last decade or so: lose weight and be a better mother. And every morning in the mirror I see that the weight is still there and I’m still not the mother I meant to become.”
Positive Impact of a Good Dad – A reader sent me this: A link to The Atlantic which has quite an interesting article about the distinct, positive impact of a good dad.