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A La Carte (January 14)


Good morning! The Lord be with you and the Lord bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a few picks from Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Greatest Christians and the Most Visible Gifts)

The 50 Countries Where It’s Most Dangerous to Follow Jesus in 2021

CT reports on the most dangerous countries for Christians. “This year the top 10 worst persecutors are relatively unchanged. After North Korea is Afghanistan, followed by Somalia, Libya, Pakistan, Eritrea, Yemen, Iran, Nigeria, and India.”

Come, Let Us Reason Together

Kevin DeYoung: “The church has been divided over doctrine before—sometimes for bad reasons, often for good reasons. That is to be expected. What seems new in our day is how Bible-believing Christians who share almost all the same doctrine on paper are massively and increasingly divided over non-doctrinal matters, torn apart by issues the Bible does not directly address.”

Biblical Counseling from the Comfort of Your Home

One unexpected result of the pandemic is finding that some things—like biblical counseling—can be done very well through secure, private video. If you have been considering counseling, why not connect with Burke Counseling Group and learn about their services. (Sponsored)

The Light That Floods The Tunnel

It’s sound counsel, this: “This year, take the best of 2020 with you, no matter how it ends up looking. Be hopeful. Be flexible. Be creative. Be gracious. Be thankful. Make disciples. Hold your plans lightly. Look to the rights and well-being of others. Keep the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit as your king and centre. Entrust your needs and anxieties to the one who cares for you.”

The Fisherman’s Advice

Seth Lewis remembers a bout with seasickness and says, “A lot of time has passed since that fishing trip, but recently I’ve had the awful feeling again, even as I stand on the ground. Much of what felt solid about the world around me is now rolling in unexpected directions. Things that were stable and secure my whole life have become unpredictable and unreliable.”

Steps, Stitches, and the Blood Ward

This is rather an amusing (though also bloody) anecdote from the mission field.

We Believe

“The Augsburg Confession. The Helvetic Confession. The Gallican Confession. The Belgic Confession. The Westminster Confession and Catechism. The Second London Baptist Confession. The Canons of Dort. What do these historic evangelical confessions have in common? Each of them has its roots in the Apostles’ Creed.”

Flashback: Your Deepest Identity

You are in Christ, and all that is his, is yours. This is your deepest identity.

If worship does not spring from gratitude for God’s grace, if it is not the heartfelt response to who God is and what he has done, then it is hollow.

—Ligon Duncan

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