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A La Carte (January 14)

A La Carte Collection cover image

Sexual History – Russell Moore shows wisdom and pastoral concern in his answer to this question: When dating, how much should a Christian know about a future spouse’s sexual history?

Rescuing from Hell and Renewing the World – A very important article from Piper: “[T]he way to achieve the greatest social and cultural transformation is not to focus on social and cultural transformation, but on the “conversion” of individuals from false religions to faith in Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of sins and the hope of eternal life. Or to put it another way, missionaries (and pastors and churches) will lose their culturally transforming power if they make cultural transformation their energizing focus.”

A Few Good Men – I give a “like,” a retweet, and a +1 to Carl Trueman’s article.

Band of Bloggers – Looks like Band of Bloggers will be back in 2014, alongside this year’s Together for the Gospel conference.

Training for Ministry – Mez McConnell says that in the face of a shortage of biblically qualified men and women who can enter into vocational ministry, “Those of us who are in leadership bear the weight of responsibility for recruiting and training the next generation of Christian leaders. Here are some ways we can act now.”


How completely satisfying to turn from our limitations to a God who has none.

—A.W. Tozer

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