Do You Know What Your Missionaries Actually Teach?! – “Stop sending prosperity-preaching missionaries to the jungles of Peru. They’re killing the villages here. Your missionaries are spending tens of thousands of dollars, traveling across land and sea, invading and settling into new cultures, and it’s all for nothing. They’re doing more harm than good.”
Sleep Deprivation – As an apparently incurable insomniac, this concerns me!
Pro-Life Convictions – “For Owen Strachan, convictions come with a cost. Strachan, an assistant professor of Christian theology and church history at Boyce College, has been pro-life for many years. It wasn’t until recently, however, that he decided to act on his conviction.”
How Much Do You Earn? – David Murray talks about an interesting way of teaching his kids about money.
Spurgeon’s Standards – Jeremy Walker shares some interesting facts from Spurgeon’s life and ministry.
When Women Lust – “We all know that men struggle with lust. But what about women? While it’s becoming more common to hear of women’s struggles with pornography use, many women still perceive that they have the moral high ground over men. Such comparisons don’t help because men and women often struggle in different ways.”