Happy New Year! There are all sorts of good Kindle deals to begin the new year from a wide variety of authors and publishers.
Free this month from Christian Audio is Spurgeon’s tremendous Morning and Evening. There are some other Spurgeon-related audiobooks deeply discounted.
Free from Logos is Isaiah for Everyone by John Goldingay which I’m really not familiar with.
(Yesterday on the blog: My Favorite Photos From a Year of Travel)
Words of Truth for a New Year
“For Christians, the start of a new year arrives with reminders afresh of the glorious promises that God has made to his people through the Bible. For Christians—those who have repented of their sin and received Jesus Christ as their Savior—a new year is a chance for renewed commitments to seek after God and to share the good news of Jesus.”
New Year’s Resolutions for God’s Glory, Not Our Own
If you’re still thinking about resolutions, you’d do well to read what Burk Parsons has to say. “The skeptical observer may ask: Is all this new year’s fervor genuine? Is it helpful? Is it really necessary? Moreover, the curious onlooker may ask: Is it even appropriate to make resolutions? After all, shouldn’t we at all times and all seasons seek to live wisely, obediently, and biblically?”
Register for Do More Better from Ligonier Connect
Ligonier Ministries is offering a lightly moderated version of my course on productivity. You can join up and get the new year off to a great start!
Love, Laughter, Family and Life Lessons: A Tribute to My Grandparents
I thoroughly enjoyed this tribute to godly grandparents. “When I look at the bond we share as a large family and the values that have shaped us, I think of the role played by my grandparents – Appacha and Ammachi as we call them. Some of our best memories as children and teens were at Appacha and Ammachi’s house at Ranni, Kerala. We generally visited them every other year and spent a little over a month with them.”
The Perils of Banning “Fake News”
I’m fascinated by the growing battle about free speech and social media. “Free speech should not be sacrificed to combat fake news. Adopting legislation to shield against fake news has major implications and is highly perilous. When the printing press was invented, it brought along a radical shift in information technology. The same has happened in the digital age. It is thus our task to prevent Western democracies from committing the very same mistakes the Church did.”
Cities at Sea: How Aircraft Carriers Work (Video)
Aircraft carriers are incredible “floating cities.”
Ending on a High Note
Jared Wilson: “There is an inextricable connection between God’s glory and our salvation. Were it not for God, we would be falling from grace every waking second. It is he who keeps us from stumbling; it is he who qualifies us as blameless. So Jude wants to ascribe to God all that he is due: glory (credit), majesty (beauty), dominion (jurisdiction), and authority (power).”
Flashback: 5 Reasons We Eat Together as a Family
It was my final year of high school but my first year at Ancaster Public High School. I was in sociology class when the teacher asked this: How many people here eat dinner as a family at least twice a week? Two of us put up hands—me and the only other Christian in the class.