Today’s Kindle deals include a long list of excellent titles from Zondervan Academic. Whether or not you run in academic circles, there’s something there that will interest you.
The Pro-Life Group Cracking Planned Parenthood’s Favorite Market
“A business executive, a technology guru, and a CEO consultant all walked into the pro-life movement.” Together they have done some amazing work. Anyone with an interest in pro-life work ought to read about it.
Only the Good Stuff
I was recently a guest of Stephen Altrogge on his Only the Good Stuff podcast. We talked about board games, coffee, marriage, Canadian football, and whether I’m too old to go to a rock concert. (Also, I was a guest on The B.A.R. podcast where we discussed more serious matters.)
A Story of God’s Saving Power
J.D. Greear shared an amazing story of God’s saving power.
Taiko Drum Ensemble (Video)
This is an amazing performance by a Japanese Taiko drum ensemble.
When Mother Reads Aloud
“I can’t understate the value of reading aloud. It is possible today to have robotic teddy bears read to our kids, or to have them listen to audio books read by someone else, or to use a device that reads to them. You don’t even need mom or dad! Isn’t that handy? Maybe, but I think that is shortchanging everyone. By reading aloud, we gain a lot more.”
This Day in 1958. 59 years ago today Dave Wilkerson sold his TV and began to pray two hours each night. He went on to do notable work among the gangs of New York City. *
Vinegar Valentines
“In the 1840s United States and U.K., hopeful American and British lovers sent lacy valentines with cursive flourishes and lofty poems by the thousands. But what to do, if you didn’t love the person who had set their eyes on you?” They had a solution for that, too.
Nick Batzig: “One of the great goals, to which each of us should aspire in our short lives, is that of becoming a teachable person. That statement sounds, at one and the same time, both noble and straightforward. However, a careful consideration of this subject leads us to conclude that it is commonly mischaracterized and misunderstood.”
Matt Smethurst on Writing and Rap
Writers will especially enjoy Dan Darling’s interview with Matt Smethurst. “Calling is not super mystical; it’s found at the crossroads of affinity, ability, and opportunity. Do you like it, can you do it, and is there an open door?”
Flashback: God, Protect My Girls
I believe that prayer works–that God hears a father’s prayers for his children, and that he delights to answer those prayers. One of my most common prayers for my girls is a prayer for their protection. Here is how I pray for God to protect them.