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A La Carte (February 8)


Today’s Kindle deals include just a couple of books–it has been a bit of a slow stretch!

Westminster Books has begun a new feature where each month they’ll highlight and discount resources related to a different book of the Bible. Here’s this month’s list.

(Yesterday on the blog: It Takes Two)

How Reading the Bible Changed My Life

This is a sweet story. “Seeking God isn’t something that anyone does naturally. So when I look back at that time in my life, I don’t see a 14-year-old who suddenly became “spiritual”; I see a gracious God who chose to intervene in an apathetic teen’s life. I don’t see my own faithful heart; I see the faithful heart of God that kept on pursuing me, despite my faithlessness, and that still pursues me to this day.”

How Jesus Trains Husbands

This is the kind of training that is never complete! “It is far more difficult to daily sacrifice our pride, our reputation, our selfishness, our perceived “rights,” or our desires to be served than it is to sacrifice our lives. And yet, these daily sacrifices are part and parcel of what it means to love our wives sacrificially. I have never met a husband who would not willingly lay down his life for his wife. But I have met many who refuse to sacrifice themselves in the smaller ways and, therefore, make life very hard for their wives on a daily basis.”

Your Celebration Is Short-lived

“As you see the fiery darts scattered on the ground around you, and watch the dust settle as the sun rises on refreshed blessings—shout a song of praise in worship to the God whose grace extends to sinners and has not abandoned us as defenceless orphans. Celebrate the victory, but celebrate with the situational awareness of a soldier who still stands on the battle field.”

Echoes of Babies Never Heard

Oh, for the day we no longer need to lament the death of so many babies. “Listen. Can you hear them? The echoes of the babies never heard? God knows their names. He hears each one.”

The Four Biblical Marks of Corporate Worship

I’ve had experiences like this. “While on vacation a number of years ago, I visited a church for Sunday worship but left questioning whether I had worshipped at all. I took in the full complement of announcements, shook hands with several greeters, viewed a skit, and enjoyed something of a concert. Though a rote prayer was offered, there was no congregational singing, Scripture reading, or sermon. I left puzzled, frustrated, and with a sense of loss. I felt like I had visited a restaurant but was not served a meal.”

Thoughts on that Liam Neeson Interview

Stephen Kneale shared some reflections on the recent Liam Neeson interview. and I think this is the most important bit: “Here we come to the crux of it. Whether its Liam Neeson or someone else, the world simply spits up and chews out those who exist to make us feel superior. So long as we can continue to find offenders out there, we need not look inward at all the potential offences that lie within.”

Is There Any Hope for the Weary Woman?

Kimberly Wagner offers some reflection questions and answers on the book of James.

Flashback: Do I Really Need To Suffer?

While suffering may be a influence for godliness, it is not the influence. God does not need suffering in order to bring us to maturity. He needs only his Word and Spirit which speak powerfully in both light and darkness.

A friend is someone who loves you more than needs you.

—Jeremy Pierre

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