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A La Carte (February 7)


I was glad to be a guest recently on the B.A.R. Podcast. You can hear that episode right here if you’re into podcasts.

(Yesterday on the blog: Advanced Technologies and Basic Christianity)

A Strategy of Faithful Average Ministry

It’s okay to be average. “It is all too easy to assume that there is something special about us, or our church, that will enable it outperforms the average church in the same context. We think that something about our ministry – perhaps the people, age profile or ways we do things – will set us apart. However, the reality is that, unless others in the same context are doing something obviously wrong, there is no reason why we should expect to do better than them. God might choose to bless us extraordinarily, and he is free to do so. But the likelihood is that he will not bless us more than the other faithful churches that are labouring away in similar situations.”

A Different Kind of Pleasure

“When I look back on my childhood, I see that my parents were very careful to give their children access to intellectual and spiritual pleasures. Even though we couldn’t see it then, beauty was lavished on us.” Parents would do well to read this one.

Singing Lies in Church

“Aiden W. Tozer once said, ‘Christians don’t tell lies–they just go to church and sing them!’ This is one of those quotes that jolts us to the core once it is properly understood. Without context, however, many people misunderstand what he is saying because they immediately begin to think of hymns and worship songs with bad theology, and there are plenty of song lyrics we sing that should cause us to scratch our heads, such as.”

A Morality Tale Lived Out

Al Mohler: “It all started in the early part of last week when the Commonwealth’s Governor, Ralph Northam, advocated for a radical abortion bill that would legalize abortion up to the moment of birth—indeed, in this horrifying interview, Governor Northam appeared to support infanticide. By the end of the week, the headlines took an unprecedented turn.”

Ecclesiology for Calvinists

Be sure to read through the new issue of the 9Marks Journal. It’s all about Calvinism.

His Vow Came First

Christine Hoover: “When I consider the present moment, my humanness so real and constricting, I remember that he is faithful. He will always be faithful to lead me, help me, and move in me, because this is who he is. No matter how weak or frail I feel in my faithfulness to him, he is delighted in the current working of the Spirit in me.”

In Memory of Ted Christman

You may not know the name Ted Christman, but you may still benefit from reading this tribute to him.

Flashback: Against Yous, Yous Only Have I Sinned

My pursuit of spiritual growth and my dedication to destroying sin are inextricably tied to my love for the local church. If I want to display love for others, I need to grow up, I need to be mature, I need to pursue holiness, I need to kill sin.

I’ve never known a man or woman who came to spiritual maturity except through discipline. Godliness comes through discipline.

—Donald Whitney

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