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A La Carte (February 7)

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The Lord be with you and bless you today.

I added some Kindle deals yesterday and will hope to track down some more this morning.

10ofThose is having a $5 sale with all kinds of good books on sale.

American Evangelicalism as a Controversy Generator Machine

Jake Meador writes about the “Alistair Begg unpleasantness of the past several weeks” and explain how “the entire affair, beginning to end, is one protracted indictment of American evangelicalism.”

Why We Always Need More Books on Every Subject

David Kaywood admits there is already a book on just about every subject, but explains why we need still more.

Church Software That Empowers Elders, Deacons and Pastors

Church Social helps elders, deacons, and pastors be informed leaders by giving them quick access to information about the members under their care, including special dates like birthdays, anniversaries, or even when loved ones pass away. They can also manage schedules, pastoral care groups, and leadership-only files, all from a simple online app. (Sponsored Link)

How Digital Apps Are Changing How We Read the Bible

John Dyer takes a look at some of the ways that digital apps are changing the way we read the Bible. These are things worth thinking about.

Share Even What’s Sparse

Cindy points out the way we tend to connect sharing with abundance—we share what we have a lot of. Yet she wants us to consider sharing even what’s sparse. “I don’t know what resources you have—or think you don’t have. Resources come in all varieties. It may be money or cookies or power tools or vehicles. Whatever the resource is, and regardless of the amount of it you have, share it willingly. Who knows what God might want to do with it.”

Evil Doesn’t Always Show Up Waving a Flag

Trevin reminds us that evil doesn’t always show up waving a flag. “You’ve probably heard of Godwin’s Law—the idea that as an online discussion progresses, the probability of a comparison involving Nazis or Hitler increases. Godwin’s Law is meant to be humorous, but it says something serious about our society that one of the last remaining vestiges of moral coherence is that we all know Hitler was wrong.”

On Evangelism

9Marks has released a new issue of their journal and this one has lots of articles and resources related to evangelism.

Flashback: It Takes Two

Reading or listening to gossip is not a different sin from speaking or spreading it, but simply the opposite side of the same sin.

Friends may speak, and ministers may speak, yea, angels may speak, and all in vain; but if God please to speak, the dying soul reviveth.

—George Swinnock

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