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A La Carte (February 6)

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Many Heroes, So Little Heroism – “As America lurches toward a fully same-sex-affirming public square, it is increasingly urged along by that most curious of cheerleaders: the ‘affirming pastor’.”

Riding Light – You may not watch the entire video, but at least give it a look. “This animation illustrates, in realtime, the journey of a photon of light emitted from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar system, from a human perspective.”

Worth the 400-Year Wait – I don’t want to link to too many book sales, but I thought some of you would be interested in this sale on the (newly published) works of William Perkins. It’s a fantastic deal.

When Reading the Bible Through Just Wouldn’t Do – I enjoyed this article on the day everything changed.

Anti-Vaxxers – Vaccinations have been in the news this week. I really appreciate what Jesse Johnson says here, and especially his comments about Christian distrust toward science.

24 Free eBooks – Here are 24 free ebooks from our friends at Desiring God. If that’s not enough, get these two classics (one, two) from Monergism.


There will be no peace in any soul until it is willing to obey the voice of God.

—D.L. Moody

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