Many Heroes, So Little Heroism – “As America lurches toward a fully same-sex-affirming public square, it is increasingly urged along by that most curious of cheerleaders: the ‘affirming pastor’.”
Riding Light – You may not watch the entire video, but at least give it a look. “This animation illustrates, in realtime, the journey of a photon of light emitted from the surface of the sun and traveling across a portion of the solar system, from a human perspective.”
Worth the 400-Year Wait – I don’t want to link to too many book sales, but I thought some of you would be interested in this sale on the (newly published) works of William Perkins. It’s a fantastic deal.
When Reading the Bible Through Just Wouldn’t Do – I enjoyed this article on the day everything changed.
Anti-Vaxxers – Vaccinations have been in the news this week. I really appreciate what Jesse Johnson says here, and especially his comments about Christian distrust toward science.
24 Free eBooks – Here are 24 free ebooks from our friends at Desiring God. If that’s not enough, get these two classics (one, two) from Monergism.