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A La Carte (February 3)


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and from the Lord Jesus Christ.

If you’re interested in a resource that will lead you to Easter, perhaps consider Paul Tripp’s new Journey to the Cross; Westminster Books has it on sale this week.

It’s not the best day we’ve ever seen for Kindle deals, but there are a few at least.

Justice, Mercy, and the Gospel

Nick Batzig has written a helpful article on justice, mercy, and the gospel. “As discussions and debate continues in the church and on social media, let’s resist the urge to blindly support whatever goes by the name of justice. Instead, let us be men and women who apply the principles of Scripture consistently wherever there is true injustice and wherever there is a real need for mercy. To fail to do so will inevitably undermine the principles of the gospel itself.”

Bully Pulpit

Michael Kruger has kicked off a new series that promises to be interesting. He says, “Spiritual abuse is more widespread than we think. Of course, it needs to be said that the vast, vast majority of pastors and leaders are godly, wonderful people that don’t abuse their sheep. Most pastors shepherd their flocks gently and patiently. But, that doesn’t mean we can ignore the small (and growing) number that do not.”

Want to Know How I Fight off Discouragement?

Greg Koukl tells how he fights of discouragement in times that can seem awfully discouraging.

Hypocrisy is Hard to Avoid

The Good Book Company has three new books they want you to know about. Each, in its own way, addresses one potential kind of hypocrisy. (Sponsored)

Those the World Overlooks, God Sees

I appreciated Trevin Wax’s reminder that in some ways everyone is ordinary and in other ways everyone is extraordinary. “Ordinary people doing ordinary things. People without prestige, power, or position, men and women without titles or wealth or earthly possessions—these are the ones who go unnoticed and overlooked. The world goes on, and they live and die and disappear.”

What If Every Satellite Suddenly Disappeared? (Video)

Though it’s unlikely to ever happen, it’s an interesting thought experiment.

‘Whoever Is Ashamed of Me’

Greg Morse writes about those who, on the day of the Lord’s return, will be accounted among the ones who were ashamed of him.

Flashback: Intimacy or Familiarity

When I consider Bible reading, I see two broad approaches: one that aims for familiarity and one that aims for intimacy. Both are good, both are beautiful, and both have their place.

It is both foolish and wicked to suppose that we will make much progress in sanctification if we isolate ourselves from the visible church.

—R.C. Sproul

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