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A La Carte (February 3)

Your 7 Job Responsibilities as a Church Member

Just imagine what a church can be when all the members are functioning like this.

5 Reasons You Should (Probably) Leave Your Attractional Church

Jared Wilson is a big believer in the local church, so he isn’t being flippant when he tells you to consider leaving your attractional church. Be sure to consider the article in light of the caveats he provides.

Being a Pastor Isn’t Fair

Mike Leake wants to tell you one way in which being a pastor isn’t fair at all…

Don’t Panic

This could be true: “With all due respect to baseball, panicking is America’s favorite public pasttime.”

Bad Homiletical Models of Expository Preaching

Derek Thomas has an article preachers would do well to read. Here’s just one quote: “Speaking generally is always dangerous, but it is probably true to say that few young preachers can sustain a lengthy (and slow) series of expositions on a particular book of the Bible.”

This Day in 1469. 547 years ago today, Johannes Gutenberg died. He was famous for developing movable type, which became a powerful tool in the spread of the Protestant Reformation. *

Meet the Puritans

This new site may be one to subscribe to.

Prioritizing Communication and Romance

This is short and sweet.

How To Pronounce ‘Newfoundland’

Sooner or later you’ll be thankful that you know how to pronounce it properly.


There are no closed countries. Only places where it’s more difficult to preach your second sermon.

—Mark Dever

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