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A La Carte (February 29)

Wayne Grudem Reflects on His Life’s Work

I really enjoyed World magazine’s recent interview with Wayne Grudem. They talk about his life, his work, the ESV, Systematic Theology, and a lot else.

Which Generation is Most Distracted by Their Phones?

If you think it’s those Millennials, think again. The truth is “Adults are as addicted—if not more addicted—to technology as teenagers.”

Our Hope Is in the Living God Who Reigns Yet

In this video “Tim Tomlinson asks D. A. Carson about how Christians should engage in the 2016 election.”

Inerrancy Is a Place to Live

Speaking of D.A. Carson, you might also want to look at this written interview on inerrancy.

The Year Video Games [Almost] Died

This is a fascinating little video that looks back to the year that video games almost died out.

This Day in 1948. Richard Wurmbrandt, author of Tortured for Christ and founder of Voice of the Martyrs, was arrested on his way to church. He then spent many years in prison for his faith and was tortured many times. *

Teach Your People to Suffer

“The truth is that this trial—the most suffering we’ve ever faced—has been an immeasurable blessing. It has been such a blessing because of the amazing church we attend, a church with leaders who prepare their people to suffer.”

Oil Drilling Collapse

This little graphic shows the sudden collapse of oil drilling as the price of oil plummeted.


Six feet of dirt make all men equal.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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