The Economics of Sex – I guarantee this is one of the most interesting things you will encounter all day.
Get the Bigger Pizza – I guess we can file this under “stewardship.” “The math of why bigger pizzas are such a good deal is simple: A pizza is a circle, and the area of a circle increases with the square of the radius. So, for example, a 16-inch pizza is actually four times as big as an 8-inch pizza.”
You Want to #EndIt? – Lore Ferguson: I’m glad to see respected voices of men and women publicly denouncing human trafficking. … You have to act. And acting on this stuff is not as hard as we make it seem—or as easy as marking a red X on your hand or buying a tshirt or retweeting a tweet. There are actual things you can do in your home and life to end slavery in our lifetime.”
Avoid Every Appearance of Evil – “Avoid every appearance of evil. It’s 1 Thes 5.22 and it puts a damper on everything. Wait a minute. Does it really mean this? Does it really mean that even if something looks like it’s evil to some, we can’t enjoy it? Hardly.”
Pursuing Your Wife – Here is an article for the husbands (or future husbands) to consider.
The “Well, maybe…” of Redemption – This is a great little overview of the Old Testament and, really, an overview of man’s attempts to live without a Savior.