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A La Carte (February 27)

Today’s Kindle deals include some great picks from Reformation Heritage and some other good titles besides.

(Yesterday on the blog: Why Aren’t Men Reading Women Writers?)

Church Planting Is Not the (Ultimate) Goal

“The goal is not church planting, but disciple-making. Does that not mean we should put our resources where disciples are being made? That may very well include church plants but we need to remember that planting is not the goal. We are aiming to make disciples who make disciples and, surely, we want to support work wherever that is happening?”

Jordan Peterson and the Evangelical Man

Alastair Roberts has a piece for CBMW evaluating Jordan Peterson and the Evangelical man.

3 Things I Learned Growing up in the Black Church

“I have come to respect and cherish the traditional black church that laid the foundation of my faith in Jesus. All cultural manifestations of Christ’s church have faults and blind spots, of course, but I’m grateful for at least three lessons I learned from the church I was raised in: a reverence for God, an encouragement to walk with him through pain and suffering, and the importance of community.”

The Gospel and the “Noble Savage”

Dave Hare writes about the “noble savage” view and how it demonstrably fails.

9 Bible Verses for Depression

Here are some helpful verses to meditate on in times of darkness or difficulty.

Facebook’s Reliability Problem

“Rating news sources is a complicated task. But rating Facebook is especially hard, because of the way it’s designed. Here’s a look at several critical issues the company is facing.” The article aptly shows just how difficult Facebook’s task is.

Personal Gospel Mercy

“Listen carefully in reformed churches, and you will hear the fear that goes something like the following. If the church becomes involved too deeply in social issues or mercy ministry, the gospel will be lost.” We can’t let that stand!

Flashback: 5 Ways Porn Lies To You

If you are trusting in Christ, if you are taking hold of the promises of God, if you are believing the gospel, you can never look at porn again. It will be God’s absolute delight to prove this to you.

It is impossible for anyone, anywhere, anytime to deserve grace. Grace by definition is undeserved. God never ‘owes’ grace.

—R.C. Sproul

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