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A La Carte (February 27)

A La Carte Thursday 1

May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include several titles meant to help prepare you for Easter. There’s quite a substantial list of other titles as well.

(Yesterday on the blog: The Quest for More)

10 Things That Are Different Than What I Expected

Anyone who has experienced deep grief, or anyone who wants to be equipped to walk with others through such a time, will be helped by this article. The writer expresses “10 things that are different than what I expected as I consider the road of loss and grief.”

The Indispensable Inefficiency of Prayer

“For a Christian, one of the most effective uses of our time is an activity that looks to most people—and maybe quite often to ourselves—like one of the most inefficient. And yet, if we really believe what we say we believe, and if we really trust our Saviour to guide us, then it is indispensable: Prayer.”

Reclaiming Biblical Missions: Join Paul Washer & Conrad Mbewe at the 2025 International Symposium

Join The Master’s Academy International and over 40 missions leaders for a one-of-a-kind international symposium designed to teach missions-minded believers how to support overseas church planting and raise up leaders for international mission endeavors. You’ll have the opportunity to explore cross-cultural practices, practical applications, and network and fellowship with believers from around the world. Each attendee receives TMAI’s inaugural Biblical Missions 1,000-page textbook and workbook—featuring 100 voices from 60 nations—as a complimentary gift. Tuesday, March 4, 9 AM–5:30 PM,
Grace Baptist Church, Santa Clarita. (Sponsored)

Dumb Church

Stephen discusses the surprising return of the dumb phone and the need to return to “dumb church.”

Should Christians Plead the Blood of Jesus?

Wanjiru Ng’ang’a considers whether Christians should plead the blood of Jesus.

Love Songs and Christian Marriage

Casey McCall isn’t into following celebrities and their relationships, but has made one exception. He tells us about it here.

What Ever Happened to ‘Acts of God’?

Yes, whatever did happen to acts of God? It seems today we prefer to put the blame for natural disasters on people instead of ascribing them to the sovereignty and power of God.

Flashback: The Eternal Significance of a Single Little Word

If people will give account for even the careless words they speak, how much more the deliberate? …If even the words count that we speak off the record, how much more the ones that we speak on the record?

Do what the Lord bids you, where he bids you, as he bids you, as long as he bids you, and do it at once.

—C.H. Spurgeon

  • A La Carte Thursday 1

    A La Carte (February 27)

    A La Carte: Different than I expected / The indispensable inefficiency of prayer / Dumb church / Pleading the blood / Love songs and Christian marriage / Acts of God / and more.

  • The Quest for More

    The Quest for More

    Somewhere deep inside, each one of us longs for more. We want more money, more authority, more followers, more of whatever it is that we find especially desirable or especially validating. “Sheol and Abaddon are never satisfied,” says the Sage, “and never satisfied are the eyes of man” (Proverbs 27:20). We live within a vicious…

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    A La Carte (February 26)

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  • A La Carte Collection cover image

    A La Carte (February 25)

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