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A La Carte (February 26)

Jungle Pilots Are Superheroes

The whole superpower motif is a bit overplayed, but it was still good to see this video on the heroes of MAF.

How Can We Be Angry and Not Sin?

“I don’t think Paul had perfect, sinless anger in mind when he quoted King David from Psalm 4:4 to the Ephesians. Paul’s point seems to be that not all anger Christians experience is rooted in the prideful, selfish soil of our sin nature.”

Hack Attack

There is a bit of bad language in this video. With that out of the way, it aptly shows how hacking and hackers actually work and just how vulnerable our information is. But it also shows why it’s not all bad news.

A History of Awakening

Keith Mathison provides a brief history of awakenings and offers hope for many more. “If you are a Christian, He has awakened you by bringing you out of darkness and into the light. Pray that by His Spirit He would move mightily to awaken many more.”

Risen – The Movie

Melissa Penner has a good review of Risen telling what it includes and what it omits.

This Day in 398. 1,618 years ago today, John Chrysostom (nicknamed “golden tongue” because of his eloquent preaching) becomes bishop of Constantinople. *

The Number One Predictor of Divorce

I don’t think I’ve ever linked to Woman’s Day before. But this article is important in that it explains the number one predictor of divorce. “After four decades of research, the world’s foremost marriage therapist noticed a clear pattern among couples that didn’t stay together.”

The Most Beautiful Thing

“When Robb Scott overheard another father telling his son last weekend that Down syndrome was an ‘illness of not knowing anything,’ he said nothing. But as the father of a five-year-old boy with Down syndrome, he felt sick inside.”


It is not our eye on him which is our great protection, but his eye on us.

—C.H. Spurgeon

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