Mohler at BYU – Al Mohler was asked to speak at Brigham Young University. Here’s some of what he said: “The presence of the president of The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary behind the podium at Brigham Young University requires some explanation. I come as an evangelical Christian, committed to the Gospel of Jesus Christ and to the trinitarian beliefs of the historic Christian faith…”
Casting Out the Devil – Craig Keener writes about the decision of the people who made Son of God to eliminate the devil from the story.
Preparing Your Teens – Westminster Books has some great sales this week, including Alex Chediak’s new book: Preparing Your Teens for College.
Bible in the Original Geek – Christianity Today takes us “the world of the new Bible coders—and how they will change the way you think about Scripture.” It’s funny to think about, but coders may be as important in the future as scholars have been in the past.
The Artistry of Sex – Thabiti says it well: “What was once shocking and offense has become ‘entertainment’ and mainstream. One sad consequence is an accompanying loss of beauty in sexual things. With loss of beauty comes also a loss of worship.”
Pascal’s Method – I enjoyed this article from Tim Keller; he writes about Pascal and his method for speaking about truth with unbelievers.
Whole Foods, the Temple of Pseudoscience – I’m not willing to grant the premise here that Creation Museum represents pseudoscience, but that doesn’t mean there isn’t value in this article which asks why people utterly reject Creation Museum, but embrace Whole Foods.