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A La Carte (February 25)


May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

I mentioned earlier in the week that Westminster Books has some excellent biographies for young readers on sale. Today they’ve added a good book on reading the Bible well.

To Stay and Serve: Why We Didn’t Flee Ukraine

Here’s a dispatch from within Ukraine: “In recent weeks, nearly all the missionaries have been told to leave Ukraine. Western nations evacuated their embassies and citizens. Traffic in the capital of Kyiv is disappearing. Where did the people go? Oligarchs, businessmen, and those who can afford it are leaving, saving their families from potential war. Should we do the same?”

Bursting Christian bubbles

“We need to regularly ask God to burst our Christian bubbles.” This article explains how and why.

Did Justin Martyr Know the Gospel of John?

“There has been a long-standing scholarly discussion about how far back we can trace the roots of the fourfold gospel. ” Michael Kruger asks whether we can trace them all the way back to Justin Martyr.

Renown Giveaway for Readers!

Boyce College is giving away two all-inclusive RENOWN packages. Each one includes in-person registration for one adult parent, and their student, a complimentary hotel room in the Legacy Hotel, meals for the weekend, and special RENOWN swag! (Sponsored Link)

Why be a small group member?

Tony Payne considers why we should consider being part of a small group (assuming that is something our churches offer).

The Trinity and Blaspheming the Holy Spirit

“God does not demand worship because he is insecure and needs affirmation, but simply because it is true. This truth means that any time someone misuses or defames the name of the Lord, blasphemy is the charge. One person could sin against another, and it would not be blasphemy; but to dishonor the Lord is to commit a different kind of sin.”

Closeness Comes Through Fire

Ed Welch considers the connection between suffering and sanctification.

Flashback: When Grumbling Meets Gossip

As Christians, we are responsible to maintain the unity of our local churches, and to do that, we need to protect our relationships with our brothers and sisters.

If you cannot fly towards heaven with the wings of assurance, walk there on the legs of faith.

—Andrew Gray

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