How Well Do You Know Your Bible? – The new issue of Credo magazine is now available for free online reading or download. This issue’s subject: How Well Do You Know Your Bible?
That Malaysia Airlines Plane – This guy thinks he knows where that missing Malaysia Airlines plane disappeared to. It seems more than a little unlikely, but it sure is an interesting read.
Why We Pray – This week’s deals from Westminster Books include a new, highly-endorsed book called Why We Pray (along with several other excellent books on prayer).
Iwo Jima and the Monumental Sacrifice – My rule: If Tim Keesee writes it, I read it. I’ve yet to be disappointed.
SDO: Year 5 – The sun is big. And awesome. And beautiful. Check out this video from NASA.
Inviting Children into the Prayer Closet – I sure do feel this one all the way.
Does Your Youth Ministry Mess with Christ’s Bride? – This is an excellent article on both the blessings and potential drawbacks of youth ministry.