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A La Carte (February 24)


Grace and peace to you today.

Today’s Kindle deals include a couple of good books.

(Yesterday on the blog: When We Go Unnourished)

What I Learned About Love When I Met My Son

This is a sweet reflection on the love of a father for a son. “When I met my son that day, I suddenly realised why the father of the prodigal in Jesus’ parable ran so hard to welcome the return of his son who had rejected him. Of course he did. It was his son. It was his own heart. But the thing that amazes me the most…”

My Love for Canada Is Overwhelmed with Lament

Michael Krahn: “‏We live in a dark period of Canadian history. These last few days have broken my heart as I’ve watched the many on-the-ground live streams and news reports about what was happening in Ottawa. ‏I have experienced a mixture of anger and lament that has overflowed into tears more than once.”

A Word to My Fellow Cynics

Cindy has one for the cynics. “Cynicism has become the default setting of our society. From our comedy to our politicians, podcasts, and pulpits, being cynical is cool. However, while sardonically assuming the worst about a given situation or person may be socially acceptable, it diametrically opposes the character of Christ.”

Burnout Warning

“I was asked by a friend why so many people are burning out these days. Whether it is a moral fall, a mental breakdown, or a ministry burnout, the frequency seems to be increasing. Why?” Peter Mead answers.

Hidden Temper, Undeserved Grace

“When the weight of my sin crushes me, trust in Jesus’ finished work raises me. Faith and repentance grow at the juncture of Jesus’ mercy and grace. Sin’s humiliation is cancelled at the foot of the cross. It never is nor was cheap grace, but rather Jesus’ costly redemption which brings freedom from my chains of sin. And this knowledge, this realization of how much He paid and how deep is my need brings me to my knees.”

Baptists, Creeds and Confessions

“It’s time to set the record straight. Baptists are not anti-creedal. Or at least, they shouldn’t be. “

Flashback: Little Seeds that Split Great Rocks

…each Christian must be on constant watch against little seeds of dispute that fall into little fissures of disunity. For little disputes have their ways of growing into big disputes, their ways of becoming far greater than we would ever have thought, would ever have imagined.

Nobody ever outgrows Scripture; the book widens and deepens with our years.

—Charles Spurgeon

  • Happy Lies

    Happy Lies

    I’m quite certain you have heard of the New Age movement. Though its popularity seems to have crested and begun to wane some time ago, it continues to wield a good bit of influence. But I wonder if you’ve heard of another similarly-named but quite different movement called New Thought.

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    A La Carte (January 28)

    A La Carte: Parenting is hard / The wildness of orthodoxy / Rubbing shoulders throughout eternity / Glorifying ourselves / The middle of somewhere / Is Roman Catholic baptism valid? / Excellent Kindle deals / and more.

  • Who Am I?

    It is not simply that we as a culture have lost our knowledge of God, but that in so doing we have also lost sight of ourselves. “Who am I?” is the question of the age.

  • Church cemetery

    If I Could Change Anything about the Modern Church

    I have often been asked what I consider the greatest weakness of today’s church or what I would change about today’s church if I could. Such questions make for good discussion at a conference Q&A session but they are also pretty much impossible to answer in a compelling way. It’s not like any of us…

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    A La Carte (January 27)

    A La Carte: To men delaying marriage / A mother unknown / Steve Lawson update / Three essential values for effective teamwork / God is good even when he doesn’t do what we want / Kindle deals.

  • Closet

    How To Learn To Pray

    Christians are well-resourced with tremendous books that teach the theology and the practice of prayer. Many churches and ministries offer powerful classes that teach why we must pray and how we must pray. We are truly blessed.