The God of love and peace be with you today.
Logos users will want to take a look at this sale on volumes in the excellent NIC series.
If you’re interested in getting to know the Puritans a bit better, Westminster Books has a nice collection on sale.
(Yesterday on the blog: Ask Me Anything (Communion as a Guest, Lent, Egalitarianism, Eschatology, etc))
Is the Earliest, Most Complete Hebrew Bible Going on Auction?
A rare manuscript is being auctioned and some of the claims about it need to be scrutinized. “Sadly, looking at anything through the lens of a dollar sign can distort one’s vision of reality. Perhaps that is happening here. At any rate, what is certain is that a veritable dust cloud of exaggerations and half-truths are flying around in the press coverage of the imminent sale of Codex Sassoon. I would like to try and clear the air a little.”
Southern Baptist Convention Disfellowships Saddleback Church
This is a big deal. “One of the country’s biggest and best-known megachurches, Saddleback Church, is no longer a part of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) after bringing on a female teaching pastor last year.”
How Should We Handle Outrage?
“This is a difficult time. Evil is called good, while good is called evil. Objective truth is disdained. Feelings are divinized. God is mocked.” Amy Hall considers how we should handle outrage at a time like this.
The FAQs: Anglican Communion Splits over ‘Blessing’ of Same-Sex Marriages
“Earlier this month, the Church of England’s national assembly voted to let priests bless same-sex marriages and civil partnerships. In response, the Global South Fellowship of Anglican Churches (GSFA) issued a statement announcing that this schismatic and unbiblical action meant the Church of England had broken communion with the more faithful provinces within the Anglican Communion.” Joe Carter explains in one of his FAQs. (See also: Which Way, Anglicans? Global South Responds to Church of England Blessing Same-Sex Marriages.)
The Lost Art of Handing Out Gospel Tracts
“I still get scared. It’s still awkward almost every time. And yet, I continue to feel compelled, even privileged, to do this uncomfortable, scary work of handing out tracts. If you’ve been terrified to share the gospel or have hesitated to use tracts to do so, here are a few reasons that may cause you to reconsider.”
What is Reformed Theology?
Ligon Duncan provides a brief introduction to Reformed theology in this short video.
Flashback: When We Go Unnourished
…if you, my friend, fail to nourish your soul, you have no cause to be surprised when your soul feels dry, when your faith feels parched, when you seem only to whither and fade.