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A La Carte (February 23)

Today’s Kindle deals include quite a lot of commentaries (including one that’s considered a best-of) as well as a few other noteworthy titles.

Reformation Hymn

“This new hymn from Bob Kauflin and Chris Anderson celebrates the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation. Based on the 5 Solas of the Reformation (Sola Scriptura, Sola Fide, Sola Gratia, Solus Christus, and Soli Deo Gloria), Reformation Hymn gives a nod to the great hymn writer Martin Luther and points worshipers to Christ.”

Rules without Reasons

Mike Leake reflects on the way we demand rules in order to deliver obedience. “I’d have chomped on that fruit because, unless you explain the full reason for the rule and I agree with it, I’m not going to just obey. But that really was the point of the tree in the Garden.”

For Lent, Give up Lent

Jesse Johnson gives three solid reasons that Protestants should be leery of participating in Lent.

The Triumph and Tragedy of Anglicanism’s First African Bishop

Hunter Guthrie: “Chances are you’ve never heard of Samuel Ajayi Crowther. His story has largely gone untold in the Western Church, and yet we could learn a great deal from his heart for the lost and his commitment to biblical missions.”

When Familiar Beats Good

Ed Welch considers how sometimes the things that are bad but familiar beats out the things that are good but unfamiliar.

The Fish that Chews Through Rock (Video)

God created some strange animals and that includes the Humphead Parrotfish which eat rock and expel sand.

I Am Afraid

I appreciate this vulnerable writing from Sam. “I am not afraid to die. When I die I will be safer than I’ve ever been, the most unafraid I’ve ever been. I’m not afraid to die. I’m afraid to live.”

Satan Wants to Blackmail You

“Satan is your accuser. He has all the dirt on you. He knows what you did. And what if he told your church or your friends what you’ve done? That little secret you try to keep hidden from everyone, even from God. Satan knows about it. Satan has a dirt-file on you, and he will not let you forget the fact.”

Flashback: God Watches You Google

In 2006, AOL made an epic misjudgment. Here’s what they did and what it led to…

A small leak will sink a great ship. A small spark will kindle a great fire. A little allowed sin will ruin an immortal soul.

—J.C. Ryle

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