A Plea For Gospel Sanity in Missions – I regard this as a very important article. Aubrey Sequeira writes about overseas pastors who are deceiving North Americans into supporting their work. Make sure you read to the end!
Whose History Is It Anyways? – Does historical accuracy really matter when it comes to film?
You Are My Son, and I Love You – Timy Brister: “As a Christian who believes the gospel should permeate every area of my life, there are more and more blind spots that I’m learning to see more clearly.”
The Shaming of Lindsey Stone – “When a friend posted a photograph of charity worker Lindsey Stone on Facebook, she never dreamed she would lose her job and her reputation. Two years on, could she get her life back?” (Note: There are a few bad words in interviews.)
The Necessity of Expository Preaching – Derek Thomas explains how expository preaching is a necessary corollary of the doctrine of the God-breathed nature of Scripture.
3 Reasons We Must Not Forget the Psalms – Just like the headline says…