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A La Carte (February 22)

Today’s Kindle deals include one book for parents and three books for kids or teens.

A Curious Clue About the Origins of the New Testament Canon

This is an interesting insight into a text. You’ve probably never really noticed it before.

Making Planet Earth (Video)

Now that Planet Earth II is available in North America, I can finally begin to enjoy it. Here’s a little video on some of the new technologies they took advantage of.

Do We Really Have to Politicize Everything?

Trevin Wax traces and explains the rise of two developments that have led to everything becoming politicized.

The Evolution of the Front Page (Video)

This short video shows the evolution of the front page of the New York Times as it goes from text, to images, to color images. I wish I could hear Neil Postman interpret it.

Pride Still Matters in Ministry

Andy Farmer lays down an important challenge. Be sure to linger over the quotes.

Ancient Near Eastern Cross-Cultural Time Line

Here’s a neat timeline you can download in PDF format.

A Dad Talks with His Son about Masturbation

Paul Tautges shares an excerpt from Jay Younts and his book on talking to our children about sex and marriage.

Jesus and the Victim Card

“One of the most sophisticated ways that we can excuse our sin is by hiding behind the painful experiences of our lives. It is actually quite easy to adopt the persona of a victim. We have all–at some time or another–been the object of unjust actions or words. Accordingly, all of us have an ample supply of experiences with which we can play the victim card.”

Flashback: I Feel I Think I Believe

I believe, I think, and I feel have different meanings. And I believe (not “I feel”) that these meanings are consistent with how they have typically been used. So why, then, do we speak so much of feelings today?

Don’t study false doctrine, don’t study sin, don’t study error, stick with the truth and godly obedience.

—John MacArthur

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