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A La Carte (February 21)

I am currently somewhere over the Pacific, on my way from home to Australia (then onward to New Zealand). This is all for my EPIC church history project and I’m really excited to search for (and hopefully find) links to the Christian history of those two nations.

(Yesterday on the blog: Ask Me Anything: Introversion)

Spiritual Obesity

“We lack for nothing. When was the last time you felt needy, weak, or deprived? Try going twenty-four, or even twelve hours without food. The point is not the feeling—it’s for what or to whom do you look for help.”

Broadcast Camera Lenses at the Olympics Can Cost as Much as a Lamborghini

“Look around the sidelines of any Olympic event and you’ll see rows of photographers with enormous zoom lenses— gear that can easily climb above the $10,000 mark. They’re the stuff photographers dream about, but that equipment can seem relatively puny when compared to the massive broadcast lenses broadcasters are using to capture its insane amounts of Olympic coverage. In fact, the lenses attached to those TV cameras can push price tags to $200,000 and beyond. That’s a lot of sweet glass.” Indeed.

The European City Centre With No Street Names (Video)

“In the Quadratestadt of Mannheim, Germany, the streets aren’t named: instead, the blocks are. It’s an exception to a rule that most people don’t even think about — especially not mapping companies.” How odd.

The Old Made New in Bingham

Here is some neat news from a forthcoming church plant in Scotland.

The Doctrine of Election Kills Pride

“When it comes to the doctrine of election, it’s clear that it’s controversial. We debate it. We write books about it. We talk about it. We preach sermons on it. We sometimes divide over it. Do you find it odd that Paul began his letter to the church in Rome by pointing to the doctrine of election?”

When She Says, “My Husband Has Been Looking at Porn”

Aileen was asked to write on this topic: “As women we know how to encourage each other, to admonish one another when we see sin in each other’s lives. But what happens when a woman comes to you broken because of her husband’s sexual sin? When she is broken because another person has sinned against her deeply, in a very intimate and personal way?”

Slavery and Surrogacy

This article, which is destined to be unpopular among many groups, compares surrogacy to slavery in some key ways.

Flashback: Deadly Doctrines: Facing Evils Like Snakes and Doves

The shrewd Christian will be familiar with the primary challenges of his day, the most prominent errors, the foremost peddlers of heresy. Yet he will remain innocent by equipping himself with truth, rather than obsessing about error.

Our truthfulness should be so consistent and dependable that we need no oath to support it: a simple “yes” or “no” should suffice.

—Douglas Moo

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