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A La Carte (February 20)

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McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson – I enjoyed reading this longform article on [soon to be former] McDonald’s CEO Don Thompson.

The Gospel in the Dominican Republic – I’m thankful for this series from TGC on how the gospel is going forth in different countries from around the world.

The Hopes of Central High – Sports fans may appreciate this profile of Lester Cotton, who will soon be heading to the University of Alabama.

3 Keys to a Better Prayer Life – Here are 3 simple keys to a better prayer life. (Of course the #1 tip is always this: Just pray!)

Phrasing – Andy Naselli introduces “phrasing,” which he says is his favorite way to trace a biblical argument. There are lots of good resources at the link if you want to give it a try.

The Door to a New Vastness – CNN: “Two white specks appearing next to Pluto in the blackness of space may look like faint blips on a screen. Don’t be fooled.”

How Clocks Changed Humanity – This is merely an introduction to the subject, but you may still enjoy this brief video on how clocks changed humanity.


One proof of the inspiration of the Bible is that it has withstood so much poor preaching.

—A.T. Robertson

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