Faithful Pastor, You’re Not Crazy – Ray Ortlund.: “A text message came in from a pastor friend. I’ve known him for decades. He is the kind of man for whom the adjective ‘saintly’ was invented. He pastored a thriving church for many years. Then someone on staff stabbed him in the back and rallied others to get him thrown out.”
Deep Discounts on Books – Westminster Books offers clearance and ultra-clearance books. There are some pretty good deals to be had!
Christian Leader in the Digital Age – Al Mohler: “If the leader is not leading in the digital world, his leadership is, by definition, limited to those who also ignore or neglect that world, and that population is shrinking every minute. The clock is ticking.”
Forgetting How to Read Your Bible – Daniel Doriani explains the danger in forgetting how to read your Bible. “Once again, I wonder: How could a man who studied and knew Scripture and taught it faithfully to others, brazenly violate its most basic principle of love and self-control? Even as I ask the question, I know I’m liable to self-destructive sin too.”
The High Cost of Multitasking – Multitasking is a bad idea. This infographic explains how and why.
The Age of Ageism – I appreciate the point Bryan Loritts is making here: “We are in an age of ageism where many of the young men I meet today in the church do not know how to relate to older men in ways that honor them and God all at once.”