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A La Carte (February 19)


Good morning! The Lord be with you today…

This week’s deal from Westminster Books is the ESV Economy Bible which is ideal for mass distribution. I’d also draw your attention to a neat new resource from some Canadian pastors titled Christ’s Psalms, Our Psalms.

I was able to track down just a couple of Kindle deals this morning.

Seeing Kingdom Light in Cultural Dark

“After a year of COVID, restrictions on worship, racial protests, a contested election and high-profile scandals among Christian leaders, it’s easy to see more darkness in American culture than light. It’s easy to cast ourselves and our faith as persecuted victims in an anti-Christian culture.” Yet there is light to be seen if only we will look for it!

‘Adieu, Adieu, My Brother’

Here’s the moving story of some Reformation-era martyrs.


AGTV exists to guard and proclaim the biblical gospel of Christ crucified, and to provide Christians and their local churches with resources to refute the errors of the “American Gospel.” At AGTV you have unlimited access to films and documentaries like American Gospel, Luther, Calvinist, Christianity Explored, and Epic. (Sponsored)

Burn Long Not Just Hot

Erik Raymond’s encouragement here is an important one. “Passion for Christ is not exclusively burning hot; it’s also burning long. The endurance of a long, warm flame is a virtue too easily undervalued. We tend to prioritize zeal while under-esteeming endurance. I think this is unbalanced and unhealthy.”

Keep Your Soul Diligently

I really appreciate the way Kristin consistently wraps her lessons in story and biography. It’s an effective technique and one I’d love to see more bloggers explore.

How to Pastor When Sanctification Becomes Illegal

Writing for 9Marks, Murray Campbell explains how home state of Victoria, Australia, has made some aspects of sanctification illegal.

Why Do We, Like, Hesitate When We, Um, Speak? (Video)

This little video explains why we use filler words like “like” and “um.”

Pastor Jailed for Holding Church Services Amid Pandemic Restrictions

Tré Goins-Phillips of Faithwire covers the recent arrest of a Canadian pastor for continuing to hold church services amid pandemic restrictions.

Flashback: An Unexpected, Overlooked Benefit of Friendships

There are many good reasons to make friends and to pursue meaningful, close friendships…I can love my family better by loving, and being loved by, a friend.

A house-going minister makes a church-going people.

—Thomas Chalmers

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