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A La Carte (February 18)

Anthems for Little Theologians

I generally have a no-Kickstarter policy, but will make an exception here. Bible Sounds: Anthems for Little Theologians has a great sound and some neat animations. It may just be worth supporting.

Martin Luther’s Death and Legacy

Martin Luther died on February 18, 1546. Stephen Nichols recounts the end of his life.

Sex Education Should Start in the Christian Home

Yes, it should. “Christian homes should be the most open, honest, and comfortable places for kids and teens to learn and ask questions about sex.”

How Music Elevates Story

I loved this examination of the music of The Lord of the Rings.

I Was Friends with Charles Ryrie

This was a joy to read. “Dr. Ryrie was one of the godliest individuals I’ve ever known. I say that emphatically without any sentimental hyperbole whatsoever. In my lifetime of growing up in the church, years in Bible College and seminary, now over a decade of pastoral ministry, Dr. Ryrie was one of the holiest men I’ve ever met.”

10 x 100 > 1 x 1000

I think Nick Batzig is on to something with his unorthodox church planting mathematics.

This Day in 1678. 338 years ago today, John Bunyan’s Pilgrim’s Progress was first published. *

Climbing Lunag Ri

This is some amazing footage of two men trying to climb a 22,660 ft. peak on the border of Tibet and Nepal. (Note: There may be one swear word: I couldn’t quite make it out.)

Dating Someone with a Sexual History

The Desiring God blog has some wise counsel on dating a person who has a sexual history. “The twin emotions of dating someone with a sexual history, though, are insecurity and obsession…”


My grand point in preaching is to break the hard heart, and to heal the broken one.

—John Newton

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