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A La Carte (February 18)

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Women, Stop Submitting to Men? – This is good stuff from Russell Moore: “Those of us who hold to so-called ‘traditional gender roles’ are often assumed to believe that women should submit to men. This isn’t true.” Not quite.

Bible Translation and I.T. – I appreciate this–a quick look at how I.T. plays a crucial role in Bible translation work.

John Frame’s Writings – This week’s deals from Westminster Books will be of special interest to people who love theology.

The Brown Sisters – “The Brown sisters have been photographed every year since 1975. The latest image in the series is published here for the first time.”

How to Think About Persecution – Here’s some guidance on how to think about persecution when you’re not very persecuted.

Dog Show Look-Alike – This is for-fun only: Match the Westminster Dog show entrants with their dogs.

Age with Zeal – J.I. Packer’s “encouragement is that older people should shun the worldly notion that aging and retirement is a time of inactivity. He suggests that being older is a time to stay active, to keep running the race set before us.”


The softest call from Jesus can silence the Enemy’s greatest roar.

—Gaye Clark

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