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A La Carte (February 18)

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Sara’s Story – This is a powerful story of God’s grace. This is particularly beautiful: “I had tried long and hard and still simply could not believe until I could. It was nothing I did or didn’t do; I just woke up one day and awoke.”

Good Works vs Good Deeds – Bill Mounce introduces us to another of those translation conundrums that most of us never have to face.

Video Games and Men – Here’s a different view on videogames (at least it’s different from what we usually hear): “Videogames now provide such rich and varied experiences that it is now just as probable that playing them can genuinely make one a better, more well-rounded person, just as a powerful film or a dense and rich novel might.”

Humility – I enjoyed this article on humility. “Have you ever had one of those moments of ‘clarity’? A moment when the dust of this life lifts for just an instant providing you a view of truth, the world, and yourself like you’ve never seen it before. A moment when all you’ve read and studied of the scriptures becomes so brilliantly clear. Often they aren’t very pleasant.”

My Beautiful Woman – This short film is worth watching (even if Denny slightly over-stated its impact).


God’s promises are like the stars; the darker the night the brighter they shine.

—David Nicholas

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