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A La Carte (February 17)

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The Brief, Wondrous Life of Zina Lahr – This is an interesting article about a fascinating young girl. “When 23-year-old Lahr went missing on a trail outside Ouray, Colorado, the world lost an amazing young talent.”

I Like Words – “When copywriter Robert Pirosh landed in Hollywood in 1934, eager to become a screenwriter, he wrote and sent the following letter to all the directors, producers, and studio executives he could think of.” It’s pretty amazing.

Hot Bods, the Bible, and the Brain – It will take a few minutes to read, but this article helpfully lays out the brain’s role in porn addiction.

Technology Extinction – Here’s some wisdom on how to avoid investing in technology that will soon disappear. Nook owners will probably be especially interested in reading it.

In the Path of Grace – I enjoyed this reflection on God’s grace: “His grace is essential for our spiritual lives, but we don’t control the supply. We can’t make the grace flow, but God has given us circuits to connect and pipes to open in case it’s there.”


Love should be the silver thread that runs through all your conduct.

—J.C. Ryle

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