Today’s Kindle deals include just a few titles, but they may be worth a quick look.
Sam Allberry on the Life-Giving Message of Jesus
You’ll want to cheer for Sam Allberry after hearing him here at the Church of England synod.
Eat, Pray, Lent
Here’s what American abstain from during Lent. Also, don’t observe Lent—you’re a Protestant, silly!
12 Trillion Locusts
In one year, 12 trillion locusts devastated the Great Plains—and then they went extinct.
The Evil of Sin
“Deeper repentance is the shortest and most sure path to greater love for Jesus.” Here Jared Olivetti reflects on two ways he’s seen the evil of sin.
When Ministry Is Unglamorous
And if often is, isn’t it? “We need to die to ourselves daily, completely, which includes dying to our dreams of what it will look like to serve God, both now and in the future.”
Alpine Adventure (Video)
This is a short but beautiful video of the Alps.
Rio 1558
Read or listen to what happened in Rio in 1558. “In 1555, a French colony was established in what is now Rio de Janeiro. Then it was simply known as the Guanabara Bay. That original French colony had a number of Huguenots and other Frenchmen committed to the Reformation. The colony was originally open to them, but then it became entrenched in Roman Catholicism and expelled the Huguenots.”
Expositional Imposters
This is a good look at how well-intentioned sermons can go wrong in subtle ways. “Each of these pitfalls either doesn’t correctly make the message of the passage the message of the sermon, or doesn’t make it a message to that congregation at all.”
Flashback: How To Be Conformed to the World
There are two ways to become conformed to this world—we can actively pursue the world and worldliness or we can simply be passive and allow the world a slow but steady eroding influence.