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A La Carte (February 16)

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Ash Wednesday: Picking and Choosing our Piety – This is a very strong bit of writing from Carl Trueman. “I suspect that the reasons evangelicals are rediscovering Lent is as much to do with the poverty of their own liturgical tradition as anything.”

Why Are Christian Movies So Painfully Bad? – Here’s an interesting look at why Christian movies are (so often) just so bad. “Often for Christian consumers of art, the question isn’t ‘Is this artwork Christian?’ Instead, it becomes, ‘Is it Christian enough?’”

W-32 Engine – Sometimes you just have to marvel at other people’s skill and ingenuity, like the guy who made this amazing miniature engine.

A Sex Film Revival? – It looks like 50 Shades of Gray was a box office smash, leading to speculation that it may usher in a whole lot more films oozing with overt sexuality.

Islamic State Beheads 21 Christians – Joe Carter has an FAQ on the sad situation in Libya.

A Superbowl Blessing – “Some of you will remember the 2010 Super Bowl commercial, produced by Focus on the Family and featuring a prolife message from Pam Tebow about her son, Tim.” Here’s a glimpse of how God used it.


Too many are willing to sit at God’s table, but not work in his field.

—Vance Havner

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