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A La Carte (February 15)


May the Lord be with you and bless you today.

Westminster Books has a sale on some of the new and notable books released this winter.

Consider Suffering Joy?

This is a helpful take on the Biblical directive that we find joy even in suffering.

William Borden, “The Millionaire Missionary”

I always love considering the story of young William Borden’s life. “Borden’s tremendous wealth did not deflect him in the least from his whole-hearted consecration to Jesus. Instead, he remained wholly devoted to serving Christ and His Kingdom with his time, talents, energy, intellect and treasure.”

A Brief Guide to Disciple Making Movements (DMM)

There is a missions methodology that has caught the imagination of sending agencies, churches, and missions candidates throughout the world. The influence of this movement among sending organizations supporting this methodology seems nearly ubiquitous. This missions methodology is called “Disciple Making Movements”. (Sponsored Link)

When You Don’t Feel Like Having Sex with Your Spouse

Lauren Washer: “Like many Christian girls raised in the 1990s under ‘True Love Waits’ campaigns, I was fiercely committed to remaining a virgin until my wedding night. But I was also convinced sex would be a daily—and delightful—part of married life. If sex had been built up by so many as an experience well worth the wait then it must be amazing. I was right and wrong. Married sex is wonderful. But it’s also far more complicated than I ever imagined.”

How Can We Make Decisions and Know God’s Will?

“When I completed seminary and first began pastoring, I expected the pastorate to be composed predominately with preaching, theological discussions, and hospital visits. One area of ministry I was grossly unprepared for was helping Christians make decisions.”

He doesn’t want your hand, He wants your heart

This is a call to take sin seriously.

Dear Small Church: A Word of Encouragement

Here’s some encouragement for pastors of smaller churches.

Flashback: Has the Bible Been Preserved For Us Today?

How can we be sure that God’s Word has remained God’s Word from the time it was first written to this present day?

Confessing to God brings us face to face with the one who knows us fully, yet forgives us completely.

—Garrett Kell

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