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A La Carte (February 14)


Good morning. Grace and peace to you.

There is a good collection of Kindle deals to look at today, headlined by a group of books for women published by Crossway.

(Yesterday on the blog: Great God, Is Life Such an Uncertain Thing?)

The last leaf

Andrée Seu Peterson: “The pestilence angel, no respecter of persons vaxxed or unvaxxed, winged her way to the right address, didn’t knock first, and unpacked her assorted wares: fever, congestion, fatigue, joint aches, and head pains. My father, 97, got a double portion.”

The “priestly caste” of America’s artistic elite

Carl Trueman offers another of his reflections on modern culture. “Goldberg is representative of so many progressively minded people in the media class who talk as other people tweet—with no sense of responsibility, no sensitivity to other people, and no real grasp of what constitutes an argument or even the truth.”

He’s Got This

Sandra Jantzi: “The simplicity of my trust in him causes me to pause. I was fortunate to have a father that never left me wondering if he would take care of me. I realize now what a blessing that is. If only I would think of God in that way.”

Why is “Re-Converting” Easier than Repenting?

“Let me tell you a familiar story from my days in evangelical youth ministry.” Samuel James recounts a story that may sound vaguely familiar to many…

Scalable Platforms

“Many missionaries in the 10/40 window live in what’s been called creative-access countries. In these countries there are no missionary or religious visas available to cross-cultural workers, so they need to have ‘platforms,’ whether business or non-profit, in order to maintain legitimate access.” This becomes an interesting reflection on scalability.

We Didn’t Want the Disruption

“We had life just the way we wanted. Sure, there were things in life that could’ve been better. No life is perfect; there are always things needing updated or changed. But for the most part, life was good. We may have given lip service to God but it was never more than that. Maybe we would pray when something bad happened and, well, something had to be our last resort. It just so happened to be the Creator of the universe.”

Flashback: What Do Hitmen and Porn Watchers Have in Common?

Isn’t it the very height of insanity to expect that people who produce and distribute pornography would care even a little about ethics and morality?

I pray that Christ would always fill me with his grace, hold me by his hand and use me ever in his service.

—William Spurstowe

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