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A La Carte (February 13)


There is, once again, a small list of Kindle deals to browse through.

Yesterday I put out a little video about ESV Scripture Journals; shortly thereafter (and entirely coincidentally) they went on sale at Westminster Books.

The Power of the Gospel and the Meltdown of Identity Politics

Al Mohler has some really good and clarifying thoughts here about identity politics and intersectionality. “Virginia serves as a prime example of the self-destructive nature of identity politics—a political philosophy that expansively designates identity by race, social background, or gender at the expense of other identities.”

Love as Motivation for Time Management

This is a message I’ve been trying to share for along time. “Good time management isn’t just about personal productivity. It is about shaping a life that is free from the tyranny of the deadline so that we are able to give ourselves away to others with our full presence, our full mental awareness, and our full joyful attention.”

If you have a question about a Bible passage or theology, just ask Ligonier. Whether you’re leading a Bible study or just beginning to dig deeper into God’s Word, you can chat with Ligonier and get clear, concise, and trustworthy answers. Well-trained team members are standing by 24/6. Just visit or message them on Facebook or Twitter.

Pick Up Your Cross, Not Your Political Pitchfork

“We can maintain our unity in God during these conversations if we lay down our political pitchforks and pick up our cross – the cross of walking in a manner of which we have been called, as Christians, as those who bear the name of Christ and the light of hope in this world…”

Where Are The Ends of the Earth?

“Generally, Jesus words ‘Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth’ are taken to imply that mission should be local (Jerusalem), regional (Judea and Samaria) and international (ends of the earth). I’m not entirely convinced that we can take this quite so definitively…” Either way, it’s an enjoyable article.

Are Mormons Heretics?

Are Mormons brothers or heretics? “The push to be considered evangelical is a real push. But it comes at the cost of some doctrinal obfuscation. So are Mormons becoming evangelical Christians? What do we make of those sweet folks across the street with the awesome kids and neighborly spirit? If anybody is a Christian, wouldn’t they be?”

A Silhouette of a Man

WORLD takes a look at Freddie Mercury and his “beatification.” It’s interesting what elements of his story are being ignored and overlooked. “The movie Bohemian Rhapsody celebrates all this, ending with the triumphant Live Aid performance, one that is riveting even 35 years later. But there is, of course, more to the story.”

I Miss Talking To Strangers

I think we can all identify with this loss, though perhaps to varying degrees.

Flashback: These Precious Days

One of the most exasperating parts of life in this world is that I must constantly choose the good things not to do. So much of life is not the choice between good and bad, but between good and good.

No one is ever united with Jesus Christ until he is willing to relinquish not sin only, but his whole way of looking at things.

—Oswald Chambers

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