Why It’s So Popular – This is one of the best things I’ve read on the topic: The real reason 50 Shades of Grey is so popular. While we’re on the subject, here’s an interesting idea from Moody: Send them your copy of the book, and they’ll send back a copy of Pulling Back the Shades. Also Dr. Mohler has a great article on 50 Shades.
The Most Glorious Cure – Kevin DeYoung: “No one plans to be a widow at twenty-three. Tomorrow I will preach at the funeral of Elliott Preston Orr, a young man from our congregation who died of cancer last Friday.”
Truth-Telling and the News Media – A Christian who is also a former news anchor reacts to the situation involving Brian Williams.
What Your Wife Wants You to Know on Valentine’s Day – While I don’t think this is all universally true, it’s probably not far from that.
Instagram – I have been asked to begin uploading my daily quote graphics to Instagram. If you’re an Instagram user, you can now find them all right here…
What Science Can’t Prove – “I often hear the comment, ‘Science has proved there is no God.’ Don’t ever be bullied by such a statement. Science is completely incapable of proving such a thing.”