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A La Carte (February 13)

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A Young(er) Wayne Grudem – This is fun: “I love a good vintage theology book. Vintage, in this usage, means late 70′s or early 80′s, and I’m mainly talking about cover aesthetics. The particularly book pictured even comes with sweet character sketches of each of the authors before their respective essays. We’re talking about back when D. A. Carson had a mustache and Wayne Grudem still had his hair.”

5 Lies About Your Body – Here are five lies our culture tells us about how we should perceive our bodies—and five truths from Scripture to help shift our perspective.

The Fathers – My Mentors – I appreciate Michael Haykin’s perspective on the church fathers. (Don’t be intimidated by the talk of church fathers: it’s a very short article.)

What Are We Fighting About? – Brad Hambrick says there are really just four types of disagreements that a couple can have. He discusses each of them.

460 Years Ago Yesterday – Justin Taylor writes about Lady Jane Grey who died 460 years ago yesterday. She represents a fascinating little piece of history.

Happy 75th R.C. – Ligonier Ministries has a brief article about R.C. Sproul to mark his 75th birthday. If you’d like to wish him a happy birthday, there is a place for you to do that there.


The doctrines of grace humble a man without degrading him and exalt a man without inflating him.

—Charles Hodge

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