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A La Carte (February 12)

A La Carte Collection cover image

I’ve got a few different deals to make you aware of today:

  • Logos users, the NICOT and NICNT series of commentaries are on sale. These volumes are the backbone of a good commentary collection. Be sure to also grab a free commentary.
  • My book Pilgrim Prayers is on sale at 10ofThose with coupon code timpodcast. (Also, I was featured on their podcast which you can listen to via any of the apps.)
  • Westminster Books has a great deal on a new book about the future of Reformed apologetics.
  • Today’s Kindle deals include several helpful books about children, worship, and more.

What Would I Say to a Young Christian Reading John Mark Comer?

J.A. Medders: “A pastor asked me what I would say to a 25-year-old devouring John Mark Comer’s books. And he also wanted to know my general take on JMC.” He offers some good thoughts.

In Praise of Being Inconvenient

Nadya Williams writes about something we both fear and resent: inconvenience. “We are desperately afraid of inconveniencing others—and at the same time, we are no less desperately annoyed when others inconvenience us. The two are connected. But you know who will rarely inconvenience you? Inanimate objects that operate the way they ought.”

Immerse Yourself in Church History  

Through robust study content and high-quality materials, The Church History Handbook is a valuable resource for studying every major period of church history and is designed to last a lifetime. Pre-order through and receive 40% off your order when you enter the promo code CHALLIES40. (Sponsored)

Breaking Gender Stereotypes to the Glory of God

“While a biblical worldview may be accused of reinforcing gender stereotypes and putting women into a straightjacket of patriarchal oppression, when applied rightly, it actually provides beautiful freedom in gender expression (how you express your maleness or femaleness) while leaving no ambiguity regarding gender identity (whether a person is male or female).”

AI-Pocalypse Now?

Brad Littlejohn writes about AI and his concern that “the risk of AI isn’t the extinction of humanity, it’s the abolition of man.”

Straining Gluten-Free and Non-Alcoholic Gnats Whilst Swallowing Camels

Stephen writes about the Lord’s Supper and the elements we use to celebrate it. Specifically, he writes about gluten-free bread and non-alcoholic wine.

Bringing Your Bible to Church?

Here is one pastor’s take on why he thinks it might be wise to bring a printed Bible to church instead of relying on a smartphone.

Flashback: Who’s Afraid of the Teenage Years?

Parenting teens has been a pleasure and a privilege. It has been an honor and blessing. So for those who have been warned only of the trials to come, let me recount some of the joys.

God’s grace is more clearly seen and more deeply savored in our weaknesses than in our strengths.

—Jon Bloom

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