Good morning and happy Monday! Grace and peace to you today.
Today’s Kindle deals include some good picks from Crossway.
6 Ways to Find (And Protect) the Time You Need to Read Books
I know there are many of us who want to read more than we actually do. Tony Reinke has some tips for us—tips on how to find and protect the time we need to get that reading done.
Resurgent Thanksgiving
Reuben considers the recent upsurge in attention to the importance of gratitude and says, “In some respects, the broad recognition of the importance of gratitude is remarkable. When we see in Scripture how fundamental thankfulness should be in the life of a believer who fears God, it is striking to find the same emphasis among those who don’t know God through Christ.”
What to Do When You Long for Encouragement
Lois offers some thoughts on what to do when you are longing for some encouragement.
Living and Dying in Hope of Heaven: Preparing for Glory
Elizabeth Turnage: “When I tell people I’ve written a book about preparing for glory, about living and dying in the hope of heaven, I get mixed reactions. Some people wonder why we would need to ‘prepare’ for glory. Others wonder, frankly, if I’m being morbid. Good questions.”
Graphic Preaching
“Preaching is a tricky business. It’s something I’ve done a lot of over the past thirty years but I still sometimes feel like a novice. Learning about preaching from other preachers is essential, both listening to their sermons and reading what they write about the craft.” Here are a few graphic-based tips.
Should Christians Pray the “Vengeance Psalms”?
Should Christians pray those “vengeance Psalms?” Different Christians have taken different perspectives on the question as Dan Crabtree shows here.
Flashback: Waiting with Faith
Wisdom gently whispers there is an Author telling a story whose end will be as wonderful as its beginning, whose final chapter will be as breathtaking as its first.