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A La Carte (February 12)

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Crucifying Defensiveness – Jared Wilson: “The biggest problem in my life and ministry is me. And the biggest problem among my many idiosyncratic problems is the impulse toward self-defense and self-justification.”

Baby Iver – This story made headlines in Canada yesterday; once again, it highlights our culture’s contradictory view of unborn life. We can read it and celebrate the joy of life even amidst the grief of death.

Gifts of the Spirit in the Old Testament – Here is an article about the gifts of the Holy Spirit in the Old Testament.

Facebook Fraud – This video explains why Facebook likes may not be all that valuable, and why you definitely shouldn’t pay for them.

The Story That Writes Itself – Kevin DeYoung has a tongue-in-cheek Mad Lib that should save sports journalists a lot of time in the years ahead.

D.A. Carson on Good Commentaries – “In honor of the recently released seventh edition of D. A. Carson’s New Testament Commentary Survey (Baker Academic), we asked The Gospel Coalition’s co-founder and president a few questions about commentaries—what makes a good one, what they can’t do, common pitfalls, how much time we should give them, and more.”


To forsake Christ for the world, is to leave a treasure for a trifle, eternity for a moment, reality for a shadow.

—William Jenkyn

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