Giving Toasters Sentience – This author lays out a few important concerns about the increasing connectivity in all our devices (Note: the article has a few unfortunate words choices in it.)
You and Me Forever – Christian Audio is having a flash offer that may interest you. For the next 2 days You and Me Forever by Francis & Lisa Chan is free.
An Unintended Consequence – Zac Hicks describes an unintended consequence of the missional movement. “Is it possible for the Church to be so sent that it is never gathered?”
Your Dog Is Not Human – “Your dog is not a human being. Stop treating her like one.” Exactly.
Love Is… – Paul Tripp lists 23 things love is.
Reading as Parenting – This reminds me that it has been too long since my family has begun reading a new book together. “When we think about parenting, the word ‘books’ probably isn’t the first thing that comes to mind. But reading to our children is a fundamental but aspect of parenting little people, though we rarely talk about it in the context of raising children.”