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A La Carte (February 10)

Today I sorted through hundreds of books with titles like Daniel Diet Vegan Slow Cooker Recipes and Meditating by Drawing Zen Doodle Animals to arrive at a few Kindle deals that would actually be worthwhile.

Pastor, Defend Christian Liberty

This issue is so important. “But before it is freedom to something, our freedom in Christ is an assertion of our freedom from something. Christ’s people are free to eat shrimp cocktail, pork rinds, or chicken feet fundamentally because they are free from the Law.”

Are You Not Ready to Worship?

Jamie Brown: “I always cringe when I hear worship leaders begin a service by asking the question “are you ready to worship?” The hope is that the congregation will respond with an enthusiastic “yes!” and everything will go swimmingly. But the reality is that the answer to that question might actually be a resounding “no!”, but no one really feels comfortable admitting it.”

Looking for Romance

Yes! “Someday when I’m sitting in a rocking chair looking back over our life together, it won’t be the big trips or the diamond rings that I remember most. It’ll be all the little things. The small gestures that he makes every day to communicate how much he loves me. If you’re searching for romance in your marriage, chances are you’re ignoring the most romantic things about your life.”

Hyperlapse Around the World (Video)

Someone with a lot of time and creativity made a really neat world tour using Google Maps images.

12th Dead Sea Scrolls Cave Discovered in Israel

“Researchers have discovered a new cave in Israel that they say once held Dead Sea Scrolls, making it just the 12th such cave of its kind found. The find is thus a milestone, according to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.”

This Day in 1751. 266 years ago today John Wesley suffered a fall on the icy London Bridge and was carried to the home of a sailor’s widow named Mary Vazeille. Within a week the two were married. *

Falcon vs Starlings (Video)

The peregrine falcon is one of nature’s great hunters. This video shows one taking on a cloud of starlings with spectacular (and beautiful) results.

Millennial Sex and Dating

Dr. Mohler has lots of interesting stories in yesterday’s episode of The Briefing, but this one most caught my attention: “the study reveals that it is considered more intimate to be introduced to a potential sex partner’s family than actually to have sex with a person.” That’s just plain crazy. (Also see The Federalist.)

What Do I Say When My Child Admits Watching Porn?

This is important and every parent is likely to face it at one time or another. “The most important take away for any child in this scenario is to experience that Mom and Dad are safe people to talk about sexual temptations with.”

Flashback: I Love a Church that Sings Badly

I am drawn toward a church that sings poorly and am a little suspicious of a church that sings really well. Here’s why.

The absence of sound doctrine and the presence of false doctrine will always lead to sinful behavior.

— John MacArthur

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