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A La Carte (February 10)

Speedos or Shorts? Bikinis or Bathing Suits?

I appreciate the big point in Carl Trueman’s article, but it’s equally worth reading for the one-liners like this: “quackery has never been a bar to influence.” (And he’s not even writing about the presidential primaries.)

You Won’t Be So Passionate When You’re 40

Erik Raymond describes an experience that was similar to one I had at a similar age.

Why the Founding Fathers Spoke the King James Bible

Here’s a great little article from Thomas Kidd. “One of the besetting problems of ‘Christian America’ history writing is that it often interprets biblical quotes from the Founders as evidence that they were personally devout…”

Ecstasy and Exodus

The Economist writes about the worldwide influence of Pentecostalism. This line is particularly telling: “In every country where Pentecostalism has thrived, its leading practitioners have faced investigations of their finances.”

Prayer Triads

I have read before of prayer triads and quite like the idea. Melissa Kruger explains what they are and how they function in her church.

This Day in 1546. 470 years ago today, German Reformer Martin Luther wrote in a letter to his wife Kate: “Pray, and let God worry.” *

Crucial Questions

Westminster Books is offering a great deal on R.C. Sproul’s Crucial Questions series of booklets.

3 Ways Our Culture Is Different

Gavin Ortlund outlines 3 ways that our culture is different from every culture before it.


The transformed and renewed mind is the mind saturated with and controlled by the Word of God.

—John MacArthur

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